Now that you have gathered all possible documents and information for all of your living and deceased family members (Step 2 and 3) are ready to organize it. The second important word in genealogy work is “ORGANIZE”.
Setting up a filing system that works for you is vital. It enables you to have an organized place to file and store your family information and then to be able to quickly find a certain document or piece of information that you want, for a particular ancestor of yours.
There are many TYPES and STYLES of genealogy filing systems you can use. A lot of people like the color coded system....where each of your four grandparents are assigned a particular color on their file folders (along with their names) and which is also referenced on their pedigree charts and family group record sheets. Children from the family of each of your grandparents are assigned the same color as their parents.
Another style is to place a file folder with your name on it in the front of the file box, then behind it place a folder with your parents name on it. And behind that place a file folder for each of your grandparents. Within each of these folders, file away items from those 6 envelopes or boxes (step 2).
Click on the following links to get ideas and helps on the various methods, types and styles of organizational systems. Then choose one that best suits your needs.